
左から浅井英樹 中村康宏







最も夕暮れの似合うロックバンドRojika ー 音楽で彩る心の風景 ー


2005.09  Rojika結成高校時代から旧知の仲であった浅井と中村中心に結成。


2006.10  Dr.佐々田、Ba.久保田加入。

2007.02 1st自主制作シングル『金色のドレス』各ライブ会場にて販売。


2008.01 2st自主制作シングル『赤い靴と小宇宙』限定販売。
2008.04 3rd自主制作シングル『陽炎/プライベート』限定販売。
2008.09 1stアルバム『スカンジナビア』発売。


2008.11 MINAMI WHEEL 2008出演。

2008.11 初のワンマンライブ『路地裏の音楽会』では関係者含め140人以上の動員を記録する。

2009.04 Dr.佐々田光則脱退

2009.04 4th自主制作シングル『一輪の花』限定販売。

2010.02 Ba.久保田雄貴脱退

〜浅井、中村2人+様々なサポートメンバーを起用し、『Rojjika』『Rojika aco.』『kaccho』と3つの形態を編成し、それぞれ色彩の違う楽曲と温度で多方面のアーティストと共演〜
2010.06 サポートメンバーのBa.藤田圭祐 Dr.濱野喬亮正式加入。
2010.07 新録限定無料配布DEMO『ガラス玉/青い炎』完成
2011.04 2ndアルバム『echo』発表。
2011.10 Ba.藤田圭祐 Dr.ハマノキョースケ脱退。


Rojika was formed by vocalist Asai and guitarist Nakamura.
We two did a lot of music live and joined the events at some places with acoustic guitars. Occasionally we had a few of support members and kept going…

On October 2006, Kubota as a bassist and Sasada as a drummer have joined us, then the 1st single “Kiniro no dress” (“A dress of gold”) has been released since 2007 February. We got busy time to do music live then and we released the 2nd single “Akaikutsu to syouutyu” (“The red shoes and microcosm”) on January 2008. 3 months later we released the 3rd single “Kagerou (Heat haze)/Private” as well.

We expanded the place for music live in Osaka to the other area which is Tokyo, Nagoya…so on. On September we released the 1st album “Scandinavia”.

We played in MINAMI WHEEL 2008 which is the one of big Japanese music festival. The end of 2008 we finally could do an individual music live with over 150 audience.

The year 2009 the 4th single “Ichirin no hana”(“A flower”) has been released. At the season a drummer Sasada left Rojika.

We’ve created our new sound and presented our songs more…


